Noelia just graduated with a Bachelor's and Master's in Information Systems. She is now moving to Austin, Texas to begin working full-time in Apple's IS&T program.
Noelia said,
"🎓One month ago, I graduated Summa Cum Laude from BYU with my Bachelor’s and Master’s in Information Systems.🎓
I imagine one day I will look back at my life, and I will be able to trace so much of future path to this program. I met my husband here; I made some of my best friends here, and I found so many incredible mentors here.
I am excited to be moving to Austin, TX and begin working full-time in Apple’s IS&T program and apply my programming, design, and management capabilities that I have learned through my treasured time as a student. Thank you to the best husband/study buddy Spencer Harrison, who quite literally, was there every step of the program with me. Thank you to my dear professors for the chances they gave me when nobody else had yet. Thank you to my many colleagues at Apple for their mentorship and encouragement as I pursued my dream of working with them. 💻
Best of all, thank you to my friends and family. I am who I am because you made me!
Off to bigger and better adventures ✈️"
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