IS Career/Alumni Explorer
This is the Career/Alumni Explorer page. Click the tabs down below to explore different dashboards or scroll down to explore different career paths!
Welcome to the Career/Alumni Explorer
Career Explorer
Alumni Explorer
Top 10 Hiring Companies
Career Explorer Dashboard
This dashboard is meant to help you get useful insights into what your dream career might look like. As you explore through, asking yourself questions like: What emphases does this company hire that I might want to go into? What times of year do they tend to hire in the most? and Where might I live, or want to live, depending on what company I get hired for? will help you narrow down your plan for how to succeed at achieving your career dreams!
Useful Tip: Click on the different Job Categories in the pie chart off to the right to see information for only that category.
Useful Tip: Click on the different Job Categories in the pie chart off to the right to see information for only that category.
What Next?
Now that you've gotten a better feel for what your career dream looks like, go check out the Achieving Your Career Dreams Manual in the "Preparing Yourself for Your Career" section (starting on page 56
Skills Explorer Dashboard
Reid's number one tip has always been, "find someone who is living your dream and talk with them."
This dashboard helps you find BYU students and alumni so you have someone to go to when you have questions concerning certain technology skills or about the company someone works for. Feel free to adjust the filters at the top to find exactly what you're looking for.
Useful Tip: Use the "Skills Search" search bar to see people who have listed that specific skill and hover over a name to bring up a tooltip with a list of their skills, etc.
This dashboard helps you find BYU students and alumni so you have someone to go to when you have questions concerning certain technology skills or about the company someone works for. Feel free to adjust the filters at the top to find exactly what you're looking for.
Useful Tip: Use the "Skills Search" search bar to see people who have listed that specific skill and hover over a name to bring up a tooltip with a list of their skills, etc.
What Next?
Now that you've gotten a better feel for what your career dream looks like, go check out the Achieving Your Career Dreams Manual
Top 10 Hiring Companies Dashboard
The top "10 Hiring companies dashboard" is exactly what it sounds like. This dashboard aims to answer the question,"Which companies hire BYU students the most?" As such, it depicts a list of the companies that hire the most students both in Utah as well as across the entire US.
Useful Tip: Press the yellow button at the bottom to see the top hiring companies in each state
Useful Tip: Press the yellow button at the bottom to see the top hiring companies in each state
What Next?
Now that you've gotten a better feel for what your career dream looks like, go check out the Achieving Your Career Dreams Manual
Career Paths