Reid Grawe is your Information Systems Career Counselor. He will mentor you through the recruiting process. His full-time job is to help you, as he often says, "achieve your dreams.” However, he cannot help you achieve your dreams if you haven’t shared them with him!
Please complete the Welcome Survey and plan to chat with Reid in person or over Zoom! If you really want help, one of the best ways for me to help you is through this survey.
Reid Grawe (pronounced GRAW-veee) is your Director of Information Systems Placement at the BYU Marriott School of Business. Since he joined the Business Career Center in 2006, he has enjoyed creating relationships with employers, faculty members, and students. His focus is to prepare students to achieve their dreams.
Reid is a retired Lieutenant Colonel who has served over 25 years as an active-duty US Army Officer. He graduated from Brigham Young University in Financial Planning and Counseling and Syracuse University with an MBA in Operations and Management. Reid served his mission in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.
Reid is a former BYU Singles Ward Bishop and a former Stake Employment Specialist. He also serves as an Mt. Timpanogos Temple Ordinance Worker. He and his bride, Julie, were married in the Salt Lake Temple 43 years ago, and they are the parents of six daughters. They have eleven granddaughters and one grandson.